Many years ago, a large group of people considered themselves cool.
They captured a man they thought to be quite a fool.
They beat Him, mocked Him, and spat in His eyes.
The pain was so great He bowed His head and cried.
Afterwards, they took Him up a long lonely road.
To the top of a hill they made Him bear His heavy load.
At the top of the hill, to the cross that He bore,
They nailed Him with three spikes, and watched His blood pour.
While the cool breeze whipped His face, and the people gathered to stare,
The day turned to night, and silence filled the air.
The earth began to shake and the people finally knew,
That the Man whose life they had taken was by no means a fool.
They suddenly realized that they were the fools,
And that the Man on the cross was the One to call cool.
They now were aware that they had a way,
Because of the Man they had crucified that day,
To see the beauty and cool of Heaven and its choir,
Rather than be bound for Hell and its burning eternal fire.
Author: Ricky Lynn Terry